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How can we help you help others?

CSC Broward funds close to a hundred programs that serve children and families within our community. We're passionate about your cause and work to protect and bring the child-serving community together.

How CSC Funds

Funding from CSC is typically offered through our competitive procurement process. A County-wide assessment determines community needs in children’s services. Based on these needs and public hearings, the Council establishes annual goals and a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The goals and budget determine the need for procurement(s) to identify providers able to meet the local service needs.

Emergency Funding Requests

The intent of a the Emergency Procurement Exemption is to provide a Safety Net for CSC-funded agencies, where possible, when crisis situations arise that clearly jeopardize services to clients served in currently-funded CSC programs.

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Requests for Funds to Maximize Revenue / Leveraged Funds

The intent of the Procurement Exemption to maximize Federal, State, and Private Revenue opportunities is to ensure the ability to bring new resources to Broward County that benefit the children and families in our community.

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The Children’s Services Council supports a wide range of charitable groups. Sponsorship is one of the support tools available to CSC. Sponsorships dollars are limited and denial of any request shall in no way be construed as a reflection on the project submitted or the agency involved.

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Joint Funding and/or Community Collaborative Funding

The intent of this Procurement Exemption is to participate in joint funding efforts or in support of community collaborative projects to address significant community issues at the discretion of the Council.

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Tentative Procurement Release Schedule (subject to change)*

*Please note this schedule is tentative and subject to Council approval. Additional procurement opportunities may be added at any time or opportunities listed below amended. In addition, funds are subject to budget availability and CSC continuation of stated goal priorities. In the event that property tax collections decline, the CSC reserves the right to reduce or eliminate funding allocated for services.

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Procurements and Funding Opportunities

Procurements are available through CSC’s web-based Contract Administration and Procurement System (CAPS).

Please click the link below to access a list of all available procurements and funding opportunities.

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